Zikai Zhou
Time: 2013-04-17   Visits: 460

Associate Professor

Institute of Life Sciences

Southeast University

Nanjing, China


LiWenZheng Building, North 212

Email: zhouzk@seu.edu.cn


Postal code: 210096


University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2004-2010

Ph.D. in Physiology, Department of Physiology, School of Medical Sciences, Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN)

The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kindom, 2002-2004

M.Sc. in Neuroscience, Department of Neurosciences

Nanjing Univeristy, Nanjing, China, 1998-2002

B.Sc. in Biology, Department of Biological Sciences and Technologies

Work Experience:

Associate Professor, Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2011-present

Research Assistant, Program in Neurosciences and Mental Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 2005-2010

Research Interests:

Synaptic Plasticity and learning and memory

Alzheimer’s Disease

Neurodevelopment Disorders

Selected Publication:

1. Liu A*, Zhou Z*, Dang R, Zhu Y, Qi J, He G, Leung C, Pak D, Jia Z, Xie W. Neuroligin 1 regulates spines and synaptic plasticity via LIMK1/cofilin-mediated actin reorganization, The Journal of Cell Biology. 2016 Feb 15; 212(4):449-63.

2. Liu H*, Luo K*, Zhou Z*, Mu Y, Wan Y. Histone chaperone Chz1 facilitates thedisfavouring property of Spt16 to H2A.Z-containing genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Biochemical Journal. 2014Jun 15;460(3):387-97

3. Li Y*, Zhou Z*, Zhang X, Tong H, Li P, Zhang ZC, Jia Z, Xie W, Han J. Drosophila neuroligin 4 regulates sleep through modulating GABA transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33(39):15545-54,

4. Zhou Z, Hu J, Passafaro M, Xie W, Jia Z. GluA2 (GluA2) regulates metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent long-term depression through N-cadherin-dependent and cofilin-mediated actin reorganization. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 31(3), 819-833,

5. Huang W*, Zhou Z*, Asrar S, Henkelman M, Xie W, Jia Z. p21-Activated kinases 1 and 3 control brain size through coordinating neuronal complexity and synaptic properties. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2011, 31(3), 388-403,

6. Asrar S, Zhou Z, Wei Ren, Zhengping Jia. Ca2+ permeable AMPA receptor induced long-term potentiation requires PI3/MAP kinases but not Ca/CaM-dependent kinase II. PLoS One, 2009, 4(2), 388-403

7. Zhou Z, Meng Y, Asrar S, Todorovski Z, Jia Z. A critical role of Rho-kinase ROCK2 in the regulation of spine and synaptic function. Neuropharmacology, 2009, 56(1), 81-89