

杨屹  副研究员


Email: yygaosansiban@sina.com



2008.9  — 2012.7    安徽大学数学与应用数学

2012.9  — 2015.7    首都经济贸易大学统计学

2015.9  — 2020.1    上海财经大学统计学

2020.1  2023.1    新加坡国立大学Duke-NUS医学院 博士后

2023.2  2023.7    香港中文大学(深圳)访问

2023.8 -现在      东南大学澳门新莆京3290not


研究方向:研究领域生物统计学,主要通过数学与统计建模的方式去分析生物数据。一个方向是GWAS&TWAS, 通过建模去分析SNP或者基因和性状的关系,揭示复杂性状和SNP或者基因的相关性。另一个方向是通过建模去分析单细胞数据或者空间转录组数据,从而更好的对细胞进行聚类和标注。



代表作:(*代表共同一作 #代表通讯作者

(1) Mai Chan Lau*, Yang Yi*, Denise Goh*, Chun Chau Lawrence Cheung*, Benedict Tan Jeffrey Chun Tatt Lim, Craig Ryan Joseph, Felicia Wee, Justina Nadia Lee, Xinru Lim, Chun Jye Lim, Wei Qiang Leow, Jing Yi Lee , Cedric Chuan Young Ng , Hamed Bashiri , Peng Chung Cheow, Chun Yip Chan, Ye Xin Koh, Thuan Tong Tan, Shirin Kalimuddin, Wai Meng David Tai , Jia Lin Ng , Jenny Guek-Hong Low, Tony Kiat Hon Lim Jin Liu and Joe Poh Sheng Yeong ”Case report: Understanding the impact of persistent tissue-localization of SARS-CoV-2 on immune response activity via spatial transcriptomic analysis of two cancer patients with COVID-19 co-morbidity.” Frontiers in Immunology) 2022, 13: 5376. (SCI, Impact Factor: 8.786: doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2022.978760).

(2) Yi Yang*, Xingjie Shi*, WeiLiu, Qiu zhong Zhou, Mai Chan Lau, Jeffrey Chun Tatt Lim, Lei Sun,Cedric Chuan Young Ng, Joe Yeong, Jin Liu. ”SC-MEB: spatial clustering with hidden Markov random field using empirical Bayes.” Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022, 23(1). (SCI, Impact Foctor: 11.622, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbab466) 

(3) Yi Yang*, Kar-Fu Yeung*, Jin Liu. ”CoMM-S4: A Collaborative Mixed Model Using Summary-Level eQTL and GWAS Datasets in Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies.” Frontiers in Genetics, 12 (2021). (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.599: doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2021.704538).

(4) Yi Yang, Xingjie Shi,Yuling Jiao, Jian Huang, Min Chen, Xiang Zhou, Lei Sun, Xinyi Lin, Can Yang, Jin Liu. ”CoMM-S2: a collaborative mixed model using summary statistics in transcriptome-wide association studies. ”Bioinformatics, 2020, 36(7): 2009-2016. (SCI, Impact Factor: 6.937 doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz880,)

(5) Yi Yang, Mingwei DaiJian HuangXinyi LinCan YangMin Chen & Jin Liu. ”LPG: A four-group probabilistic approach to leveraging pleiotropy in genome-wide association studies.” BMC genomics, 2018, 19(1): 1-11. (SCI Impact Factor: 3.969 doi:10.1186/s12864-018-4851-2,) .