

田 垚    副研究员、博士生导师

    电 话:  025-83790961

     Email::  yaotian@seu.edu.cn



20029月 — 20076月    医学学士, 临床医学专业,东南大学

20079月 — 20136月    理学博士, 遗传学专业,东南大学

201511月 — 201610月  博士后,Augusta University, GA, USA

20137月至今               副研究员, 东南大学澳门新莆京3290not




Liu L*, Tian Y*, Zhang X Y, et al. Neurexin Restricts Axonal Branching in Columns by Promoting Ephrin Clustering[J]. Developmental Cell, 2017, 41(1):94.(*: co-first author)

Tian Y, Zhang Z C, Han J. Drosophila Studies on Autism Spectrum Disorders[J]. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2017(94–106):1-10.

Tian Y, Li T, Sun M, et al. Neurexin Regulates Visual Function via Mediating Retinoid Transport to Promote Rhodopsin Maturation[J]. Neuron, 2013, 77(2): 311-322.

 Mu Y, Tian Y, Zhang ZC, Han J. Metallophosphoesterase regulates light-induced rhodopsin endocytosis by promoting an association between arrestin and the adaptor protein AP2. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2019: jbc.RA119.009602.

 Li T, Tian Y, Li Q, et al. The Neurexin/N-Ethylmaleimide-sensitive Factor (NSF) Interaction Regulates Short Term Synaptic Depression [J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015: jbc. M115. 644583.